§ 11-14-315. Nature and validity of bonds issued -- Applicability of other statutory provisions -- Budget provision required -- Applicable procedures for issuance.  

Latest version.
  •      Bonds issued under this chapter shall have all the qualities of negotiable paper, shall be incontestable in the hands of bona fide purchasers or holders for value and are not invalid for any irregularity or defect in the proceedings for their issuance and sale. This chapter is intended to afford an alternative method for the issuance of bonds by local political subdivisions and may not be so construed as to deprive any local political subdivision of the right to issue its bonds under authority of any other statute, but nevertheless this chapter shall constitute full authority for the issue and sale of bonds by local political subdivisions. The provisions of Section 11-1-1, Utah Code Annotated 1953, are not applicable to bonds issued under this chapter. Any local political subdivision subject to the provisions of any budget law shall in its annual budget make proper provision for the payment of principal and interest currently falling due on bonds issued hereunder, but no provision need be made in any such budget prior to the issuance of the bonds for the issuance thereof or for the expenditure of the proceeds thereof. No ordinance, resolution or proceeding in respect to the issuance of bonds hereunder shall be necessary except as herein specifically required, nor shall the publication of any resolution, proceeding or notice relating to the issuance of the bonds be necessary except as herein required. Any publication made hereunder may be made in any newspaper conforming to the terms hereof in which legal notices may be published under the laws of Utah, without regard to the designation thereof as the official journal or newspaper of the local political subdivision, and as required in Section 45-1-101. No resolution adopted or proceeding taken hereunder shall be subject to referendum petition or to an election other than as herein required. All proceedings adopted hereunder may be adopted on a single reading at any legally convened meeting of the governing body.
Amended by Chapter 378, 2010 General Session